How to Finally KEEP Your New Years Resolutions

2018! I'll need to keep reminding myself that it's 2018 for the next few weeks until I stop writing 2017 on everything. Anyone else do the same thing? 

I wanted to jot down some helpful tips and inspiration that helped me KEEP my New Years resolutions last year. Hopefully you find these helpful as you are starting the new year!


For me personally I like doing "monthly" resolutions instead of yearly. Why, you might ask? Well to be honest, it has a LOT to do with my forgetfulness. You know the little fish named Dory from Finding Nemo?..yep that's basically me.

I also am not very patient with myself. I find when I can work on something for three weeks and congratulate myself, it's much easier than giving myself a guilt trip at the end of the year. I still have "New Years Resolutions," but I break them down and just work on a month at a time or even just a week at a time. It's made all the difference!

So we know that there are lots of great ways to keep your new years resolutions, but below I share just 3 of the things that helped me stay on track with my goals this last year. And guys being able to really work on my goals and slowly progress at them has been amazing! 

How to Finally KEEP Your New Years Resolutions


1. Be Super specific and write them down where you can see them.

 -This one's pretty simple and you've probably heard it before, but being super specific is key!

Example: I want to hug a llama named Gary (who lives across the street) every Wednesday morning before lunch. *Also remember the goals need to be realistic. Unfortunately Gary isn't real or realistic, but you get the idea. 

2. Use a Mantra

 -A short and positive phrase that's easy to remember and that you can remind yourself to stay on track. There are so many great examples of these and you can make up your own that suits you. 

 Example: "Love, not judge." 

I used this one last year all the time! Anytime I found myself judging others, I would repeat this mantra, "Love, not judge." It would always help me get be back on track, which brings me to the most important step, #3. 

3. Congratulate yourself every time you RECOGNIZED you were straying from your goal and then you tried again.

 -It's easy to stray from your goals or even take a step backwards. It's also super easy to be hard on yourself. I'm raising my hand because I'm an expert at giving myself a hard time. How about you? If you can be more aware of when your're not following your goal and then congratulate yourself for recognizing it and trying again it will motivate you to keep going. 

This year I've been much more aware of when I'm straying from my goals or getting off track. As soon as I notice, I don't...I repeat DO NOT give myself a lovely guilt trip about how lame I am for getting off track again or how I'll never be able to "finish" something. (Unfortunately that use to be the little voice in my head.) Luckily that little voice is just that. A very little tiny voice that can't be heard when my confident, encouraging voice speaks louder. Instead I tell myself, "Good job Laura! You noticed pretty quickly that you were straying.

It doesn't matter how many times I get off track or stray. What does matter is that I recognize when I'm getting off track and then give myself a little pat on the back, a little, "Well done" for noticing and trying again. 

These really helped me a ton last year. Guys, it was such a great feeling to look back on this last year and see all that I've accomplished and progressed at. My absolute favorite thing about keeping my new years resolutions is that they have now become habits! They are just part of my routine now that I don't have to think too much about.


I'm looking forward to using these three tips again this year. If you have any other tips that have worked for you, I'd love to hear them!